Cigna | CSB Update: Have seen our latest Med Supp product updates?

July 12, 2024

CSB Update

Timely news from Cigna Healthcare Supplemental Benefits

Have we got news for you!

Happy Summer! Get ready: The inaugural edition of Broker Insights, a monthly digest for all of our Medicare brokers, will launch on August 29, and will come to you every fourth Thursday! The first issue will focus on the tools and information you need for a successful AEP in a quick highlights format. You’ll continue to see the CSB Update on the second Thursday of each month.

We’re thrilled to bring you this new resource and look forward to hearing your thoughts on it this fall. And as always, we thank you for your partnership!

Be sure to check CignaforBrokers > My Messages often, as we frequently post essential training, tool and other updates there.

Did you know?

A new Medicare Supplement (Med Supp) product resource is now available! Go to Cignaforbrokers > Resource Center > Product Info/Center to view product launches by state, including all associated materials (application, brochure, and Outline of Coverage/Rates).

This comprehensive page also includes links to our Product Availability chart, Agent Guide, Declinable Drug List and Height and Weight Chart – all current Med Supp essentials in one handy spot.

Updates and action items

Announcing a new Med Supp product in Montana

Get ready for improved rates and value in Montana (MT)! Cigna National Health Insurance Company is launching on July 22. Get everything you need to start selling then here.

Please note: CHLIC MT will no longer be available for sale as of August 9, 2024. Applications must be signed by August 8, 2024, and in our office by August 23, 2024.

Cross-selling to boost retention

Want to up your customer retention game? As cited in this email, when customers own two or more policies, they are more loyal than if they own just one!

Listening to your customers’ needs, combined with learning more about and how to cross-sell all Cigna Medicare products, may increase the likelihood of meeting your customer retention goals.

Medicare Advantage Certification is live

2025 Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan certification is up and ready to go! Visit Producers’ University directly or via Cignaforbrokers (with the appropriate login) to get started.

This email includes a wealth of information on breezing through certification requirements, including:

  • What to expect in this year’s certification
  • Your easy path to 2025 certification
  • Other highlights

Get certified and get ready for AEP selling opportunities!

The CHLIC transition

As a reminder, the Cigna Healthcare CHLIC Transition broker information page is now on Cignaforbrokers > Resource Center > Product Info/Center (and is also available here). We’re keeping this page up to date with FAQs, consent periods by state, on-demand trainings in English and Spanish and with samples of state policyholder Notice of Transfer packets and second/reminder notices as mailed.

Have questions that this page doesn’t cover? Contact the ARC at the number below. 

State updates

The following Medicare Supplement insurance and Supplemental Health plans are experiencing rate adjustments in the noted charter(s) and states:

Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC)

7/1/24: Nebraska, Washington

8/1/24: New Mexico (Rate Hold: High F), Rhode Island (Rate Hold: High F), West Virginia (Rate hold: High F)

Cigna National Health Insurance Company (CNHIC)

7/1/24: Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi (Rate hold: High G), North Carolina (Rate hold: A), Wisconsin

8/1/2024: Alabama, Connecticut (Rate hold: all plans), Michigan, New Jersey, South Dakota, Utah

Flexible Choice Dental, Vision and Hearing 

7/1/24: Mississippi

Trainings and webinars

Visit CignaforBrokers >Training for comprehensive training information and links, including pre-recorded webinars designed for your convenience. Remember: You’ll need your Producers’ University login to access.

Helpful links and resources


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Express App

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The Agent Resource Center (ARC)


Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM CT

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today 1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881 support@pfsinsurance.com


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