ACA – HealthSherpa

ACA Enhanced Direct Enrollment Platform

$0.00* = Your cost to participate

*No, seriously. It’s FREE!

With HealthSherpa’s faster and easier alternative to, you’ll have the leading technology you need to maximize your Marketplace experience. Streamlining the enrollment process for FFM health insurance agents.

Your Join Code:

To join, sign up at and use the Join Code: E6A4

Complete Your Registration with HealthSherpa:

Pinnacle Financel Services has partnered with HealthSherpa, an innovative healthcare technology and the country’s largest ACA agent enrollment platform.

How to Create an Agent Account to Enroll ACA Clients:

To get started, follow the link above & then the steps below:

Step 1
Head over to HealthSherpa and click on the “For Agents” link.

Step 2
Click on the blue “Start Enrolling Faster” button.

Step 3
Enter your email address and password — and then click “sign up” (this email address will be your HealthSherpa login).

Step 4
Enter your name, company/agency name, preferred phone number, and select how you heard about us.

Step 5
Select the type of account you would like to open: “Join an existing agency”An agent account linking up to an upline agency – Input Join Code E6A4.

Step 6
Choose each state and carrier you are licensed and appointed with as an agent (not at the agency level).

Step 7.
Turn on the referral program — this is a great opportunity to get paid for ACA enrollments when you don’t have a contract with a specific carrier.

Step 8
Enter your FFM Username (also known as your CMS portal login) and provide your individual NPN, not the agency’s.

Step 9
Go through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) check (this must be authorized to finalize and open your account)

Step 10
Congratulations!! You’ve created a new HealthSherpa account!

For ACA Contracting