Nationwide Peak 10 Annuity

Nationwide Peak 10 Annuity

Nationwide Peak 10 Annuity

There are many options when it comes to Index annuities. It would seem that most “name” brand companies have not really had products in this space. Well, welcome the Nationwide Peak 10 annuity. This is not Nationwide’s first foray into the index annuity space.  This time upon review of the product this Nationwide incorporates more benefits and in my mind more suitable index crediting options, than their previously introduced products. 

The Nationwide peak 10 has all of the crediting strategies that you would come to expect from an index annuity but they also have some new exclusive indexes with Alliance Bernstein, as well as J.P. Morgan. These new exclusive indexes allow for more consistent returns, as well as more “passive” outperformance of the market. This all comes from a carrier that has some of the highest ratings from the independent rating services that you can receive.

In addition to some exclusive index options, the Nationwide Peak 10 also has a guaranteed income rider that does not have a charge, as well as a very competitive charge income rider. In addition to these benefits, the Nationwide Peak 10 has a competitive immediate income option as well as a joint income option that provides for two lives, which can be a very important financial planning tool to protect for two individuals without a reduction in the income. When considering an Index annuity the Nationwide Peak 10 has to be considered, because of the name brand, the new indexing strategies, and the income options. As with any index annuity considering the overall nature of your financial picture should be considered and assessed when making the decision if this option is right for the client. In addition to all of the benefits to the client that the Nationwide Peak 10 offers, they are also running an agent incentive for production that is easily obtained and provides nice benefits to the agents.

When considering financial planning solutions, and the incorporation of annuities as a solution that can provide guaranteed lifetime income, that is of the utmost importance today, contact the specialists at Pinnacle Financial Services, to discuss the Nationwide Peak 10, and the multitude of other options that can really assist you and your clients needs long term.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Will Torrance

Will Torrance

Senior Sales Director | Life, Annuity, & LTC

x7790 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

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Social Security and Annuities

Social Security and Annuities

Social Security and Annuities

One of the most important areas that need to be considered on the success of your retirement is having enough funds. When you stop working and receiving a regular income you want to be able to maintain your lifestyle. How do you accomplish this important fact, and what strategies are necessary to sustain and thrive in retirement? The answer for many is Social Security and Annuities.

Social Security is a primary leg of that retirement as well as private annuities. Social Security is a right that is earned based on working history and earning enough credits to receive an income when you ultimately retire. By having a guaranteed payment from Social Security, it is also advisable to have an annuity that will also provide a parallel guaranteed income as well. Taking into consideration what age you stop working, will be a huge determining factor in the actual Social Security benefit that you receive, as well as potential tax liabilities on your Social Security benefit when you start receiving Social Security. By planning your own personal Social Security maximization strategy, an annuity can help cater and provide the income necessary to truly provide for your specific retirement income strategy.

It is important to work with a professional that understands all the rules of Social Security and when your personal maximization strategy is. Determining your optimal claiming strategy for Social Security will lead to a more comfortable retirement. There are many strategies that can be employed, and the use of a guaranteed lifetime annuity can offer that additional income to complement your Social Security payments. The idea, and the importance of having multiple sources of guaranteed lifetime income, will be the strategy that can’t eliminate all pitfalls for a successful retirement, but it will alleviate some stress from the retiree, by providing something similar to a consistent paycheck like they had when they were working. The topic of Social Security, and the addition of the annuity option to this overall planning, as well as the consideration of other options to create income during retirement, are all now the most important considerations for a pre-retiree, and retired individual to consider moving forward. The common studies now show on average that a man 65 will live 20 years in retirement, and a female age 65 will live 22 years in retirement. Costs of healthcare, basic living expenses, and other unplanned expenses, will require funds to pay for them, and calculating your foundational income sources is of the utmost importance. Many different calculators are available to help you plan, but having a trusted advisor to assist you with these topics and plan for them accordingly.

At Pinnacle Financial we can assist you with the actual Social Security Maximization Strategies, as well as making recommendations with guaranteed lifetime income annuities to help supplement the Social Security income to have a successful and stress-free retirement. This is probably the most important planning that you can do with a client to make sure that your clients can be informed and comfortable when they finally stop full-time work and transition to retirement. Pinnacle Financial is here to help you with this and is an expert with this planning.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Will Torrance

Will Torrance

Senior Sales Director | Life, Annuity, & LTC

x7790 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

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Effective Sales Presentations

Effective Sales Presentations

Effective Sales Presentations

What separates top sales representatives from their average low-performing peers? Great sales presentations! There are nine secrets of a highly effective sales presentation, that we’ll explore in detail.

The nine things that great salespeople do to separate themselves from average to underperforming associates are as follows:

  1. They set the rhythm for the presentation, by getting prospects to mirror them.
  2. Dictate the agenda of what’s discussed and when.
  3. Use powerful language that prospects associate with success and authority.
  4. Listen more and talk less.
  5. Have natural conversations with plenty of back and forth.
  6. Address the competition early.
  7. Sell in teams.
  8. Talk about value, not technical issues.
  9. Focus on demos.

By adding each of these elements to your sales presentations, watch as your sales numbers rise!

What does this mean for sales teams? An upward trend in the entire team’s sales numbers is within reach.

The Data Matters

Every sales representative can replicate the nine elements of highly effective sales presentations and boost their sales numbers.

Every member on the sales team can function more like their top-performing peers when understanding exactly what to do during sales presentations.

The nine elements are easy to understand. With a bit of practice, anyone can master them.

Identify how you and your teams can improve by practicing these nine attributes. This will pay huge dividends in increasing the effectiveness of the members of your sales teams and thus increase your return on investment.

Contact the professionals at Pinnacle Financial Services to discuss these effective sale presentation strategies, as well as all of your senior financial service needs.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Will Torrance

Will Torrance

Senior Sales Director - Life, Annuity, & LTC

x7790 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

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Social Security Planning

Social Security Planning

Social Security Planning

Social Security planning and 12 things you must know about claiming and maximizing your Social Security Benefits is what I want to cover today. Claiming Social Security Benefits at the correct time will mean more money in your pocket.

For many Americans Social Security benefits are the essential part of a sound retirement income plan. Maximizing these funds is key to funding a significant portion of your income in retirement and realizing a productive and comfortable retirement. The rules are complex, but the following 12 key points can assist a client in navigating these waters for Social Security planning.

Your Social Security “Full retirement age” plays a big role- Know it.

First things first: Determine your Social Security full retirement age. For people born between 1943 and 1954, the full retirement age is 66. It will gradually climb between the birth years of 1955-1959. If you are born in 1960 or after it is 67. Your monthly benefit will vary based on when you claim.

How your Social Security benefits are earned.

To be eligible for benefits you have to earn 40 credits throughout your career. You can earn as many as four credits a year, so it takes 10 years of work to qualify for Social Security. In 2021, you must earn $1,470 to get one Social Security work credit and $5,880 to get the maximum four credits.

How your Social Security Benefits are Calculated

Your Social Security benefits are based on the 35 calendar years in which you earned the most money. If you have fewer than 35 years of earnings, each year with no earnings will be factored as zero. You can increase your benefits by replacing a zero with earned income. There is a maximum Social Security amount you can receive, depending on the age you retire. For someone retiring in 2021 the max monthly benefit is $3,113. For someone filing at age 70 the maximum monthly benefit is $3,895. You can estimate your Social Security as well.

How your Social Security Benefits are Calculated

The monthly benefit is adjusted every year for inflation. This will help to protect against the rising living expenses during retirement. This is the equivalent of purchasing inflation protection on an annuity. Not to get too technical but it is based on changes in the federal consumer price index, depending on inflation. In 2021 Social Security beneficiaries will see a 1.3% COLA in the monthly benefits.

Your Monthly Social Security Benefits grow the longer you wait to claim them.

You can collect Social Security benefits as soon as you turn 62, but taking benefits before your full retirement age results in a permanent benefits reduction- of as much as 25% to 30%, depending on your full retirement age. If you wait until you hit full retirement age to claim Social Security benefits, you will receive 100% of your earned benefits. Or, you can keep waiting to claim your Social Security benefits- all the way to age 70. By doing this your monthly Social Security benefit will grow by 8% a year until age 70. Any cost-of-living adjustments will be included, too, so you will not forgo those by waiting.

There’s a Social Security Spousal Benefit

The spousal benefit could be up to 50% of the other spouse’s Social Security benefit. Put simply if your monthly benefit is $2,000, but your spouse’s benefit is only $500, your spouse can collect a spousal benefit worth $1,000. The 50% figures is the maximum amount that only a spouse who is at least full retirement ages is eligible for. Taking the spousal benefit early at, say, age 62, reduces the amount to as little as 32.5% of the higher earner’s benefit. If you take your own benefit early and then switch to a spousal benefit, your spousal benefit will be reduced.

Children Can Collect Social Security Benefits, Too

Minor children of Social Security beneficiaries can be eligible for benefits. Children up to age 18(or up to age 19 if they are full-time students who have not graduated from high school) and disabled children older than 18 may be able to receive up to half of a parent’s Social Security benefit. The disability must have occurred before the age of 22. As long as the disability prevents the person from working, the adult child can continue collecting the benefit even after the parent has died.

There are Social Security Benefits for surviving spouses and children

If your spouse dies before you, you can take a Social Security survivor benefit, but not in addition to your own benefit. You must choose one or the other. If you are at full retirement age, that benefit is worth 100% of what your spouse was receiving at the time of his or her death(or 100% of what your spouse would have been eligible to receive if he or she hadn’t taken benefits). A widow or widower can start taking a survivor benefit at age 60, but the benefit will be reduce because it’s taken before full retirement age. If you remarry before age 60, you cannot get a survivor benefit. But if you remarry after age 60, you may be eligible to receive a survivor benefit based on your former spouse’s earnings record. Eligible children who are under age 18 (up to age 19 if attending high school full time) or were disabled before age 22 can also receive a Social Security benefit, worth up to 75% of the deceased’s benefit.

You can claim Social Security Benefits Earned by your Ex-Spouse

Just because you’re divorced doesn’t mean that you’ve lost the ability to get a Social Security benefit based on your former spouse’s record. You can receive a benefit based on his or her record instead of a benefit based on your own record if you were married at least 10 years, you are 62 or older, and single. Like a regular spousal benefit, you can get up to 50% of an ex-spouse’s benefit-less if you claim before full retirement age. The beauty of it is that your ex never needs to know because you apply for the benefit directly through the Social Security Administration. Taking a benefit on your ex’s record has no effect on his or her benefit or the benefit of your ex’s new spouse. And unlike a regular benefit. If your ex qualifies for benefits but has yet to apply, you can still take a benefit on the ex’s record if you have been divorced for at least two years.  NOTE: Ex-spouses can also take a survivor benefit if their ex has died after the divorce, and, like any survivor benefit, it will be worth up to 100% of what the ex-spouse received. If you remarry after age 60, you are still eligible for the survivor benefit.

You can Undo a Social Security Claiming Decision

There are not many times in life where you can take a mulligan. But Social Security offers the chance for a do-over. Say you claimed your benefit, but soon thereafter wish you had waited to take it. Within the first 12 months of claiming Social Security, you can withdraw the application. You will need to pay back all the benefits you received, including any spousal benefits based on your record. But you can later restart your Social Security benefits at the higher amount you’ll earn by waiting.

Your Social Security Benefits will be taxed

Most people know that you pay tax into the Social Security Trust Fund throughout your career, but did you know that you may also have to pay tax on your Social Security benefits once you start receiving them? Benefits lost their tax-free status in 1984, and the income thresholds for triggering tax on benefits haven’t been increased since then. As a result, it doesn’t take a lot of income for your Social Security benefits to be pinched by Uncle Sam. For example, a married couple with a combined income of more than $32,000 may have to pay income tax on up to 50% of their Social Security benefits. Higher earners may have to pay income tax on up to 85% of their benefits. You may also have to pay state income taxes on your Social Security benefits.

Beware the Social Security Earnings test

Bringing in too much money in earned income can cost you if you continue to work after claiming Social Security benefits early. With what is commonly known as the Social Security earnings test, you will forfeit $1 in benefits for every $2 you make over the earnings limit, which is 2021 is $18,960. Once you are past full retirement age, the earnings test disappears, and you can make as much money as you want with no impact on benefits. Any Social Security benefits forfeited to the earnings test are not lost forever. At your full retirement age, the Social Security administration will recalculate your benefits to take into account benefits lost to the test. For example, if you claim benefits at age 62 and over the next four years lose one full year’s worth of benefits to the earnings test, at full retirement of 66 your benefits wil be recomputed- and increased- as if you had taken benefits three years early, instead of four. That basically means the lifetime reduction in benefits would be 20% rather than 25%. Social Security and the planning for possibly a third of your lifetime in retirement is right now the most important planning strategy for all people considering retirement, or are already retired. There are multiple planning strategies that can be employed to assist clients in realizing the fruitful and productive retirement they desire. Contact the specialist’s at Pinnacle Financial Services to assist with productive solutions to assist your clients in living the type of retirement that they deserve and want.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Will Torrance

Will Torrance

Senior Sales Director | Life, Annuity, & LTC

x7790 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

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Lifetime Income and Annuities

Lifetime Income and Annuities

Lifetime Income and Annuities

One of the things that all individuals in this country will need to consider as they age is the consideration of guaranteed lifetime income and annuities in their overall retirement and financial plan. In considering this important topic I wanted to make a distinction among what the considerations should be when making this important life decision.

annuity, golden egg

When thinking about the concept of guaranteed lifetime income and annuities, there are some basic considerations that you must consider when considering, or offering a solution.

Lifetime income is a necessity

When considering you complete picture with respect to how healthy your retirement will be a necessity is to have in place some form of lifetime income, which in general will only be accomplished through an annuity. When considering these options, we need to make a distinction of what the best options are when considering these solutions.

Income Now

The option for maximizing income now is the use of a Single Premium Immediate Annuity. By taking a lump sum of money the insurance company will provide income for your life, a period certain and life period, or an installment refund or cash refund lifetime income.

Income later

In considering your guaranteed lifetime income needs, maybe you are a number of years away from needing the guaranteed lifetime income that you desire. This can be accomplished through the use of an annuity that has a lifetime income benefit rider. There a number of considerations that must be thought of when considering the right choice of lifetime income.

When considering the use of a lifetime income benefit rider there are a couple of nuances that the insurance company will offer, but not all benefits are created equal. You can see bonuses, “Roll-Ups” and enhancements to the payments. All of these are beneficial for certain circumstances. Some annuities will offer the highest guaranteed lifetime income for life, while others will offer guaranteed lifetime income that initially will not be the highest but will have the potential to increase with inflation. With the bonuses, “Roll-Ups” and enhancements the consideration that will fit the best is the one that fits the specific client’s unique circumstances.

When making a decision as to what option will fit best take into consideration the totality of the client situation, and with all of your annuity lifetime income needs, contact the specialists at Pinnacle Financial Services to get advice on the current rates and payouts that will fit your client needs the best.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Will Torrance

Will Torrance

Seniro sales director | life, annuity, & LTC

x7790 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

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