How to start a Medicare Agency?

How to start a Medicare Agency?

How to start a Medicare Agency?

How to start a Medicare agency? Steps you need to make sure you don’t miss:

  • File and Register your LLC/Corp where you will to be headquartered
  • Apply for your Life & Health with the Department of Insurance under your LLC/Corp
  • Appoint a licensed individual, that person will act as the principal of the Medicare Agency and must be a licensed insurance agent who is authorized to sell insurance
  • Obtain errors and omissions insurance, this type of insurance protects the LLC and its owners from lawsuits related to the sale of insurance
  • Stay compliant, regularly review and update your policies and procedures

All State licenses where you wish to conduct business in will need to be applied for both the principal and the Medicare Agency, yearly AHIP and carriers’ certification will still need to be completed by the appointed principal on behalf of the Medicare Agency.

How to start a Medicare Agency? Infrastructure

  • Hired staff for back-office support
  • CRM, client and leads management system
  • Quote & Enroll Platform
  • Commission Tracker
  • Call recording capabilities with unlimited data and 10-year storage

Establishing yourself as a Medicare Agency it’s important for you to service your downline agents and agencies. Having the capabilities for them to track leads, and giving them the ability to access the enrollment platform compliantly will allow your brokers to carry on their day-to-day with a lot more ease. With your hired staff any questions regarding marketing or product-specific training can be handled in a much more timely manner and your brokers feel supported.

How to start a Medicare Agency? Partnering with an experienced leader in the Medicare insurance industry

  • Easy Onboarding
  • Direct Commissions
  • Broker Support
  • Knowledgeable Support
  • Cross-Selling Experience

As you can see there are a lot of moving parts that need to be running in synchronization to have a successful Medicare Agency. Pinnacle Financial Services is here to help you implement and execute all facets of your Medicare Agency. We customized compliance plans to guide you through the process. We have a large team of dedicated senior market specialists is available to assist you with questions, client eligibility, and developing marketing strategies. We offer face-to-face training, web-based training, and webinars.

Let’s discuss how we can help you start or grow your Medicare Agency!

Give us a call at 800-772-6881 ext 7794

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Value Based Care

Value Based Care

Value Based Care

Fee-Based vs. Value-Based Care: Navigating the Future of Healthcare

As healthcare systems strive to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, the shift from fee-based to value-based care is gaining momentum. Both models have distinct approaches to healthcare delivery, and understanding their differences is essential for patients, providers, and policymakers alike.

Fee-Based Care

Fee-based care, which is also known as the fee-for-service model, is the traditional approach to healthcare where providers are reimbursed for each service rendered. This payment structure incentivizes a high volume of services, but may not necessarily promote quality care. While the fee-for-service model offers patients flexibility in choosing providers and services, it can also lead to fragmented care, overutilization of services, and increased healthcare costs.

The impact of fee-based care on patient outcomes can be mixed. On one hand, providers are motivated to offer a wide range of services to generate revenue. On the other hand, this model may not prioritize preventive care or long-term patient health, resulting in less-than-optimal outcomes. Financially, fee-based care can burden both patients and healthcare providers, with patients facing high out-of-pocket expenses and providers facing financial pressures to increase service volume.

Value-Based Care

Value-based care is an alternative healthcare model that focuses on improving patient outcomes while reducing costs. In this model, providers are rewarded based on the quality and efficiency of care they deliver, rather than the quantity of services provided. The primary goal of value-based care is to promote a more patient-centered approach, emphasizing prevention, care coordination, and long-term health management.

In terms of patient care and outcomes, value-based care incentivizes providers to focus on delivering high-quality care that leads to better health results. By tying reimbursements to performance metrics such as reduced hospital readmissions and improved patient satisfaction, value-based care encourages providers to prioritize preventive care and effective treatment plans. Financially, this model has the potential to lower healthcare costs for patients and providers by emphasizing cost-effective care delivery and reducing the need for unnecessary or redundant services.

Comparing Fee-Based and Value-Based Care

The differences in care delivery and patient experience between fee-based and value-based care are significant. While fee-for-service models may offer more flexibility in provider choice, they often lack continuity of care and fail to prioritize patient engagement. In contrast, value-based care models foster stronger patient-provider relationships and emphasize patient satisfaction, leading to better overall health outcomes.

The impact on healthcare costs is another key distinction between the two models. Although transitioning to value-based care may require initial investments in infrastructure and care coordination, the long-term cost savings and improved patient outcomes can outweigh these expenses. By promoting cost-effective healthcare delivery, value-based care has the potential to benefit both patients and providers financially.

Where does Pinnacle Financial Services come in?

The key differences between fee-based and value-based care lie in their approach to healthcare delivery, their impact on patient care and outcomes, and their financial implications for patients and providers. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the shift toward value-based care models will play a critical role in achieving improved patient outcomes and cost efficiency. Pinnacle Financial Services is a full-service “FMO” that is dedicated to helping agents across the country navigate through the future of healthcare. Give us a call today for more information on key regulatory changes that could affect your business!

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com


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Medicare Advantage & Part D Poised to See Significant Compliance Changes in 2024

Medicare Advantage & Part D Poised to See Significant Compliance Changes in 2024

Medicare Advantage & Part D Poised to See Significant Compliance Changes in 2024

The 2024 Proposed Rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services suggests a return to more controlled Medicare communications and marketing standards.

Medicare sales call recording regulations and new third-party marketing organization criteria became required for agents selling Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans in 2023. In an ongoing effort to tighten down on misleading sales tactics, CMS has proposed clarifying a few points connected to these requirements, bringing back a few outdated rules, and adding a few new ones for 2024.

NABIP, formerly NAHU, submitted a comment letter to CMS this week in response to a new Medicare marketing proposed rule. It’s the ultimate hope that the proposed rule will not go into effect as currently laid out.

The impending Medicare Advantage and Part D rule modifications that will likely be completed prior to this year’s Annual Enrollment Period are summarized below.

Remember TPMO from 2023.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published its 2023 Final Rule this past spring. The Final Rule announces changes that have been made to existing marketing and communication requirements for both Medicare Advantage and Part D plans.

These changes sought to strengthen the oversight of third-party marketing organizations (TPMO) and include new consumer protections.

TPMO Sharing of Beneficiary Information

TPMOs are defined by CMS as organizations and individuals who are compensated to perform lead generation, marketing, sales, and enrollment-related functions as part of the chain of enrollment. (The steps taken by a beneficiary from becoming aware of a Medicare plan or plans to make an enrollment decision). TPMO also includes independent agents/brokers.

The sharing of personal beneficiary information with other TPMOs would now become prohibited, and the TPMO disclaimer has been updated.

State Health Insurance Programs (SHIPs) will need to be listed in the updated disclaimer as a way for beneficiaries to get further assistance, in addition to an MA organization and Part D sponsor with which the TPMO has a contract in the beneficiary’s service region.

“We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area which are [insert list of MA organizations or Part D sponsors]. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.”

Updates to the 2023 Final Rule on Call Recording

Only sales, marketing, and enrollment calls between TPMOs and beneficiaries must be recorded according to CMS. This should do away with the requirement to record calls for scheduling appointments and check-ins following sales. Calls with current clients, however, must be recorded for client retention reasons.

Additionally, CMS is requiring that all virtual calls for enrollment, marketing, and sales that are conducted by video conferencing or other forms of virtual telepresence be recorded.

Scope of Appointment Rule Change

In order to prevent personal marketing appointments from happening before 48 hours have passed since a potential enrollee has finished a Scope of Appointment, SOA, CMS plans to reestablish the 48-hour SOA time restriction. If you are familiar with the prior 48-hour SOA requirement you should know that the phrase “when practicable” will not be included in the new rule. It will be necessary to obtain SOAs at least 48 hours beforehand.

An SOA is only valid for six months after the beneficiary signs it, according to CMS.

push pin in calendar

Holding an Education Event

Agents will not be permitted to make future selling appointments at educational events or gather SOAs or beneficiary contact information. Additionally, agents will not be allowed to have a sales event there within 12 hours of the educational event. (The entire building or nearby buildings are considered to be in the same place.)

How Pinnacle Can Help

We recognize that these changes will present significant challenges for you when assisting clients with their Medicare coverage. Please keep in mind that we are here to assist you as you work through them to conduct your business compliantly, continue growing your sales, and provide the best service to your clients.

Please reach out to the team at Pinnacle Financial Services for additional information on these or any other questions you have, by contacting our Compliance team by email at compliance@pfsinsurance.com.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

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What is a Medicare SEP?

What is a Medicare SEP?

What is a Medicare SEP?

Those 65 and over, as well as those with specific disabilities and medical conditions, are covered by the federal health insurance program known as Medicare. The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) and Special Enrollment Periods are two of the enrollment periods that Medicare allows for people to enroll in or modify their coverage (SEPs). This blog post will concentrate on SEPs and how they operate.

What is a Medicare SEP?

An individual who is already enrolled in Medicare may modify their coverage outside of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). A move to a new state or a declared local emergency is just two examples of the types of life events that SEPs are made to accommodate. SEPs come in a variety of forms, each with its own set of guidelines and qualifying standards.

How Do SEPs Function?

Depending on the particular type of SEP, different restrictions apply to that SEP. While some SEPs are triggered by life events, others are accessible to everyone who meets certain requirements.

Special Enrollment Period for Dual Eligible Individuals

If you are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. This SEP allows you to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or make changes to your existing coverage once per quarter during the first nine months of the year.

Special Enrollment Period for Losing Employer Coverage

If you lose your employer-sponsored health insurance, you may be eligible for a SEP. You have a SEP to enroll in Medicare Part B and/or a Medicare Advantage plan after losing your employer coverage.

Options Available

Pinnacle Financial Services is a full-service “FMO” that offers you the best technology in the business while giving you options as well. We are the only FMO in the country that offers both electronic enrollment platforms: Connecture and Sunfire. When you are contracted, certified, and ready to sell; both platforms are free of charge for our agents. You will be then able to utilize our tools to check out and then enroll your Medicare beneficiary. You will be able to narrow it down to the best Medicare advantage plan for your client with the extra benefits that fit their needs for them. There are no sales quotas or commitments that you need to make to us as we just want to help you grow your business.

Pinnacle has some of the best opportunities to help agents grow as well as receive individualized attention. The Pinnacle Medicare team is always available to assist should you give us a call.  If you’re interested in additional information, don’t hesitate in contacting your sales director for more.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

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Why Sell Final Expense Life Insurance

Why Sell Final Expense Life Insurance

Why Sell Final Expense Life Insurance

Final expense life insurance is a type of insurance policy that is intended to cover the costs of a person’s final expenses. Funeral costs, burial costs, medical bills, and other related costs are examples of these expenses. There are some critical reasons why an insurance agent should consider selling final expense life insurance to their clients:

  • Final expense life insurance is typically less expensive than traditional life insurance policies.
  • Final expense life insurance policies typically have simplified underwriting requirements, which means that clients can often be approved for coverage quickly and easily without having to undergo a medical exam.
  • Guaranteed acceptance: Final expense life insurance policies may provide clients with guaranteed acceptance regardless of their health status.
  • Peace of mind: Clients have peace of mind knowing that their final expenses will be covered and that their loved ones will not be burdened with the financial cost.
  • Selling final expense life insurance can be an additional revenue stream for insurance agents because it allows them to offer a product that is tailored to the specific needs of their clients.

Final Expense Life Insurance typically has a small death benefit ($1,000 – $25,000).

What types of final expense life insurance plans are available?

Depending on your client’s health and budget, the following are three types of common burial insurance plans:

  • Level – Immediate Death Benefit, 1st Day Coverage (for clients with excellent/good health) 
  • Graded – Limited Death Benefit for the first 2 policy years (for clients with fair health)
    • 1st Year: Return of Premiums plus 10% interest
    • 2nd Year: 50% of Death Benefit
    • 3rd Year: Full Death Benefit
  • Guaranteed Issue – Limited Death Benefit for the first 2 policy years (for clients with poor health).
    • 1st Year: Return of Premiums plus 10% interest
    • 2nd Year: Return of Premiums plus 10% interest
    • 3rd Year: Full Death Benefit

Final Expense Life Insurance Underwriting

Due to the simplicity of these products, practically all insurance carriers who offer burial insurance will have non-medical, simplified issue underwriting for these plans. This means that your client will not have to take any medical exams and will just have to answer a few yes/no health questions to determine the underwriting classification. Graded and guaranteed issue plans are available for clients who can’t qualify with the health questions. 

Additional Benefit Riders for Final Expense Life Insurance

Besides offering a guaranteed death benefit and guaranteed cash value accumulation, most burial policies will include an accelerated death benefit rider for no cost. This rider allows clients to accelerate a portion of the death benefit to use in the event of a chronic or terminal illness diagnosis.

Why Should Insurance agents sell final expenses?

Overall, insurance agents should consider offering final expense life insurance to their clients as it provides a cost-effective, simplified, and guaranteed option for covering end-of-life expenses. Additionally, it provides peace of mind to clients and can be an additional source of revenue for agents.

Why Pinnacle Financial Services

If you are an insurance agent looking to expand your product offerings and provide your clients with the best final expense life insurance options, I encourage you to contact Pinnacle Financial Services. Our team of experts can provide you with the resources and support you need to be successful in selling final expense life insurance. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your clients with peace of mind and to grow your business. Contact Pinnacle Financial Services today to learn more.

Need access to final expense life insurance leads? Learn more about our lead programs and incentives

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Agent Care Specialist | Life, Annuity, and LTC

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UnitedHealthcare UCard

UnitedHealthcare UCard

UnitedHealthcare UCard

Your UnitedHealthcare UCard serves as your member ID as well as many other functions. UCard enables Medicare Advantage and Dual Special Needs Plan members to access the benefits and programs provided by their health plan. UCard simplifies the experience of many member benefit and reward programs. Your UnitedHealthcare UCard is a simple way to gain access to your Medicare Advantage plan’s benefits and programs.

With the UnitedHealthcare UCard, UnitedHealthcare helps to simplify the member experience. UCard was introduced in 2022 and will be available to more individual Medicare Advantage members in 2023. The UCard combines the member ID with advanced payment technology to create a single, integrated card that not only provides access to health care but also allows members to shop with their benefits, spend earned rewards, and do other things.

Examples of What to use the UnitedHealthcare UCard

UCard is our attempt to make health care simpler. All members with a UCard and Renew Active fitness benefit can use the UCard to access their free gym membership on their first visit to any of the 22,000+ Renew Active network gyms and fitness locations – the largest national Medicare fitness network

Examples of UCard Uses:

  • Renew Active
  • PCP Visits
  • OTC purchases
  • Pay utility bills
  • Filling prescriptions
  • Flu shots

UCard is ready to help ease the Medicare Advantage experience – and to make your client’s purse or wallet feel a lot less cluttered. The United Healthcare UCard is a convenient and secure tool that can help individuals pay for their healthcare expenses with ease. Whether they are paying for doctor’s visits, prescriptions, or over-the-counter items, the UCard makes it easy for individuals to manage their healthcare expenses and stay on top of their spending.

Where does Pinnacle Financial Services come in?

Pinnacle Financial Services is a full-service “FMO” that offers you some of the best technology in the business, like our proprietary Connect4Medicare platform, top-notch support service, and personal sales and marketing from the very start. There are no sales quotas or commitments that you need to make to us as we just want to help you grow your business. This is a win-win opportunity for all of us, so what are you waiting for? Join us at the top!

To sign up with Pinnacle complete the easy contracting form today:

Click Here for Contracting

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Director of Sales | Health

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