CMS’ 2025 Proposed Final Rule

CMS’ 2025 Proposed Final Rule

CMS’ 2025 Proposed Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced a proposed rule, CMS-4205-P, aimed at amending current regulations for Medicare Advantage and Part D programs. This proposal, set to take effect for the 2025 contracting year beginning September 30, 2024, includes significant changes in Medicare marketing and communications policies, particularly concerning agent and broker compensation as outlined in Section 1851(j) of the Act. These changes are expected to have a substantial impact on the Medicare sales distribution landscape.

We recognize that this approach could have some drawbacks, particularly as this policy would, in effect, leave agents and brokers unable to directly recoup administrative costs.

– The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

These changes impacting FMO/Agency support, training, technology, and other items will impact beneficiary choice by reducing the agents that are not only offering Medicare Advantage but offering a wide variety of plans. In essence, this rule will have the opposite effect of what is being put forth.

In addition, the notion that small regional plans are getting anti-selected just does not stand up to what we see in the market. The free market year over year has varying top carriers including what regional carriers increase market share. The best plans for individual Medicare beneficiaries are what will continue to drive what plans are sold, period.

Key Aspects of the Proposed Rule Involve…

Eliminating Administrative Fees/ Overrides

The proposed rule intends to abolish compensation above the CMS maximum for individual agents/brokers, including overrides/admin fees paid at agency levels and higher. This could significantly affect agencies, especially those at the FMO/NMO level impacting the support, technology, and services being provided to agents. Find additional details on the Pinnacle 2025 Proposed Rule page.

Restrictions on Services Provided to Medicare Agents

Agencies and uplines may no longer be able to offer services such as quoting, enrollment platforms, such as Connecture and Sunfire, CRM software, support services such as website creation, logo designs, compliance guidance, discounted E&O and CE’s, marketing plan guidance, and agent/agency contracting.

working on laptop

Impacts on Different Agency Types

While all agencies would be impacted, LOA agencies and those focusing on ancillary product sales or who offer Medicare as a secondary service might find it easier to adapt to these changes. Agencies that are heavily focused on Medicare Advantage will be greatly impacted.

Changes in Marketing Reimbursements & Health Risk Assessments (HRA) Fees

The proposed rule plans to prohibit reimbursement payments/marketing allowances to agents/brokers for expenses and eliminate payments for completing HRAs.

Modifications in Commission Structures

Commission rates would continue to be standardized. This would include a small administrative increase that would in no way compensate for all of what would now be needed by agents.

Operational Adjustments for Agents & Agencies

The absence of uplines could necessitate direct contracting with carriers by agents and agencies, potentially leading to delays. Additionally, questions usually addressed by uplines must be directed to the carriers. If, and how quickly would carriers staff up to meet the huge demand of contracting, certifications, product training and more.

Our Industry’s Voices Need to be Heard

The CMS-4205-P proposal is a comprehensive document addressing these and other areas, detailed over hundreds of pages. The proposal is open for public comment until January 5th. CMS encourages professional and constructive feedback, particularly focusing on the value provided to clients and the potential impact of these changes on service capabilities. Comments can also be submitted through Regulations.gov.

What about Pinnacle?

Our team at Pinnacle will continue to be there to support your business and have made available resources for you to navigate and understand the 2025 Proposed rule and how it will impact not only your business but your Medicare clients. For more information, go to our 2025 Proposed Final Rule page for more detailed information on the rule and how to comment.

Reach out to a Pinnacle team member today with any questions.

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2024 Scope of Appointment

2024 Scope of Appointment

2024 Scope of Appointment

The 2024 Scope of Appointment rules have changed, yet again, for this year. Due to the 2024 Medicare Final Rule, there have been added regulations put into place regarding the collection of SOAs.

2024 Final Rule SOA Updates

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implements sweeping changes to the Medicare system every year. Changes can impact the agents, carriers and clients alike. Over the past few years, rules and regulations have been aimed at stopping unfair marketing practices with large-scale call centers. Unfortunately, these updates have had a negative impact on individual sales agents as well. Here are the changes to this year’s scope of appointment rules:

  1. 48-Hour waiting period reimplemented. SOAs are required before meeting with a beneficiary to have any discussions that may lead to a sale. Agents must now wait a full 48 hours to conduct a personal marketing appointment. Exceptions to this include the last 4 days of a valid election period and if a beneficiary initiates an unscheduled in-person meeting (walk-in into an office).
  2. SOAs are limited to 12 months from the beneficiary’s signature date or the beneficiary’s request for information.
  3. SOAs are no longer allowed to be collected at educational events. This prohibits agents from setting up future sales appointments while at educational events. However, BRCs (Business Reply Cards) can be made available to collect beneficiary information.

Where does Pinnacle Financial Services come in?

Pinnacle Financial Services is a full service “FMO” that offers the best technology in the business, top-notch back-office support, and on-demand training to ensure you stay 100% compliant. It’s never too late to start. Call us today and ask about our exclusive IE-SNP product!

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Best Medicare FMO

Best Medicare FMO

Best Medicare FMO

The Medicare market has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. Independent insurance agents have plenty of options when searching for the Best Medicare FMO for Medicare agents to help them grow their Medicare business.


In the sea of Medicare agencies, agents will have plenty of options with claims such as “The Best Medicare FMO” or “Best IMO” you can find when doing their due diligence.

But what does it take to be considered “The Best FMO”?

Here at Pinnacle Financial Services, we strive every day to be just that, the best for our agent partners. And for us, service is job one.

In our company’s long history of working in the Medicare market, we know that as an independent agent, having a support structure in place is crucial to growing their business.

And we are not done there.


Pinnacle provides at no charge all the tools and technology you will ever need.

  • Medicare Quoting
  • Quoting App for Phone or Tablet
  • Access to Connect4Medicare(the top Medicare quoting, comparison, and enrollment tool)
  • Online Contracting
  • Free Lead Program Option
  • Top Medicare Commissions
  • Ongoing Training (both in-person and remote)
  • Free CE Credit Option
  • CRM System

Next Steps for Medicare Agents:

So, whether you are new to selling Medicare plans or have a long history, we want to help you grow your business. Our experienced support staff is ready to answer all your questions.

Call us today to find out more about how Pinnacle Financial Services can be the best Medicare FMO for you.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

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Medicare HRA’S

Medicare HRA’S

Medicare HRA’S

Medicare, a federal health insurance program largely for people 65 and older, works hard to raise the standard of care it offers its participants. The Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is one important instrument that has been incorporated into its framework. Beneficiaries who comprehend the HRA and its implications will be better able to make decisions concerning their health.

What is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)?

Medicare beneficiaries fill out an HRA, a questionnaire that asks them detailed questions about their lifestyle, medical history, and health-related habits. The assessment’s goal is to locate any potential health problems, such as ailments that could worsen if not treated right away. This proactive strategy guarantees that people get the proper care at the appropriate time, potentially preventing serious health difficulties in the future.

Why is it Important?

  • Individualized Care Plans: Using the findings from the HRA, healthcare professionals can design a personalized care strategy that takes into account the beneficiary’s particular requirements and risks. Better health outcomes and more individualized care are the result.
  • Prevention: Prompt intervention can delay the onset of some diseases or ailments by identifying risk factors early. For instance, nutritional recommendations or guidance on blood sugar monitoring may be given to someone with a family history of diabetes and particular lifestyle choices.
  • Cost savings: Over time, taking preventative action and getting help right away can save a lot of money. Hospitalizations and expensive treatments are reduced when prospective health problems are addressed before they become serious.

Medicare HRA’s Agent Compensation

As an agent of Pinnacle, you are easily able to quote and enroll your clients on our Connecture and/or Sunfire platform. In both of these platforms, you are given the opportunity to complete the HRA’s right after the enrollment. Agents will also get paid to complete, so it is a win/win situation. The amount of payment can vary, so make sure you speak to a Pinnacle Medicare representative to get all the details.

Where does Pinnacle Financial Services come in?

Pinnacle Financial Services is a full-service “FMO” that offers you some of the best technology in the business, like our proprietary Connect4Medicare platform, top-notch support service, and personal sales and marketing from the very start. There is no sales quotas or commitments that you need to make to us, as we just want to help you grow your business. This is a win-win opportunity for all of us, so what are you waiting for? Join us at the top!

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

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2024 Medicare Certification

2024 Medicare Certification

2024 Medicare Certification

Medicare products and regulations change yearly. As a result, new plans come on the market, and existing plans may enhance/change their structures. The best time to get started is ASAP, even if the next open enrollment period is months away.

Step One:

Complete AHIP or if you choose to instead the NABIP Certification. Most all carriers require AHIP and as a heads up, not all accept the NABIP Certification.

Below is a breakdown of the two:


AHIP stands for American Health Insurance Plans and was established in 2003 through a merger of the Health Insurance Association of America and the American Association of Health Plans. AHIP offers Medicare training that is accepted by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and nationally by all Medicare insurance carriers.


NABIP stands for National Association of Business Insurance Professionals and is a non-profit professional association that was established in 1930. NAHU has chapters all over the country that are organized to promote common business interests to those who are engaged in the sale of health insurance products and services. 2 years ago, NABIP launched its own version of AHIP’s Medicare training to compete with the other organization.


Make sure you save a PDF of the completion certificate for either Certification as you may need that document when completing Carrier Certifications next. Some may have shown up as an option to transmit the results, but some may not be equipped for that.

Step Two:

Each carrier requires you to do training with them now to become certified to sell for the next year. Even if you are not actively selling you will need to remain appointed to keep your renewals. Some carriers may give out product details and others may not, but all will require you to go through some basic compliance reminders. So, you know the testing requirements are because Medicare Advantage is regulated by the government. Agents/brokers must be licensed in the State in which they do business, annually complete training and pass a test on their knowledge of Medicare and health and prescription drug plans, and follow all Medicare marketing rules

Step Three:

Attend a kickoff. Whether you are attending your FMO kickoff or individual carrier meetings these can be a great opportunity to ask questions, engage with your broker managers, and deep dive into the products. This is not “required” but I would recommend it. You may hear questions being asked that you didn’t think of. Being clear on the products to avoid any confusion during open enrollment is a smart step in preparation.

 Let Pinnacle help you navigate this!

Go here for the AHIP Discount takes $50 off! You can also contract with the carriers and view their first looks:

Pinnacle Annual Enrollment Period Medicare Toolkit

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

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5-Star Medicare Advantage plans

5-Star Medicare Advantage plans

5-Star Medicare Advantage plans

5-Star Medicare Advantage plans are a year-round opportunity for both clients and sales agents. Although the 5-star plan designation is scarce throughout the country, there are still various opportunities depending on what state you and your client are in!

What are Star Ratings, and How do They Impact Plans

Medicare star ratings are basically a plan’s overall performance and quality based on data that is provided from the prior year. The scale is numbers 5 to 1, with 5 being excellent and 1 being poor. The 5 categories that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses to review plan performances are:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Plan Responsiveness
  3. Management of Member Complaints
  4. Preventative Service (Health outcomes of members)
  5. Chronic Condition Management

These ratings impact both the plan sponsor offering them and the clients choosing/staying with them. Plan sponsors benefit from having highly-rated plans by receiving higher rebates and quality bonus payments. This allows them to offer additional supplemental benefits (extras like dental, vision, and hearing), lower to no premiums, and help with future improvements to plan quality. Plans with low stars run the risk of having the contract terminated altogether.

For clients, having a 5-star plan gives them two things. The first is peace of mind. The higher the star rating for a plan, the more confidence they have when choosing that plan. The second is potential special enrollment opportunities. A 5-star Medicare Advantage plan receives a special enrollment period that lasts from December 8th to November 30th every year. This allows the client to make a one-time switch to that plan if it’s available in their service area.

Where does Pinnacle Financial Services come in?

Pinnacle Financial Services is the only “FMO” in the country that has access to a special Institutional-equivalent, 5-star plan available in 30 states across the country. This is an exciting opportunity to market a product that the external distribution channel has never sold. Not to mention, we offer the best technology in the business, back-office support, and training. Don’t hesitate to call us today about how to get set up for this unique opportunity!

AEP is around the corner! Check out our AEP Toolkit

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

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