2021 Medicare Updates

2021 Medicare Updates

2021 Medicare Updates

Every year, CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) makes updates and changes to their rules, regulations, and commissions. Over the past few years, there have been some major changes that have changed how Medicare agents solicit to potential clients. One of the more notable changes was back in 2018 when CMS removed the 48-hour requirement for Scopes of Appointment. For those new into the industry, Scopes of Appointment (SOA) would be required 2 days before you were able to meet with a client about any Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans (MAPD) or stand-alone Prescription Drug Plans (PDP).

This year, we’ve identified some of the changes that will benefit all Medicare agents. Here are a few:

1. Commission Increase: The trend since 2009 has been a steady increase in commissions for all agents. For those of you who sell in PA, CT, DE, CA, and NJ, you will be able to make more than anyone else in the country. For Medicare Advantage, for the whole country, the increase is over 5% for both new and renewal rates. Prescription Drug Plans had close to a 4% increase for the whole country. Here is a breakdown of what this year looks like:

Medicare Advantage PDP
Plan Year National Rate PA, CT, & DC CA & NJ National Rate
2021 $539 $270 $607 $304 $672 $336 $81 $41

2. Referrals: CMS removed the regulations that limited when a marketing representative could solicit referrals and what types of gifts could be provided in exchange for those referrals. This is an incredible change and allows for more flexibility when trying to get more future business from your current book. Keep in mind that nominal value (usually $15) and FWA (Fraud, Waste, and Abuse) laws still apply.

3. Notable changes to marketing events: Advertisements and invitations, in any form of media, that would be utilized to invite a potential client to a marketing (informal/formal) or educational event must include a specific statement. The statement is: “For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings call <Phone Number and TTY number>.”

4. Educational events: Meals can now be provided to potential clients. In the past, you could only offer light snacks and refreshments. Keep in mind, nominal value still applies ($15) so you would need to factor that into the event planning.

It is extremely important for us here at Pinnacle Financial Services to make sure all our agents are aware of changes that may affect them. Much like the technology industry, Medicare is an ever-evolving mechanism that changes all the time. We would like to be your partner along this journey and help navigate you through any of the challenges you may encounter. We offer top-notch technology (like our proprietary Connect4Medicare platform), personalized sales and marketing training, and back-office support that is the best in the business. Pinnacle Financial Services is not just a typical FMO and will help you have the best AEP (Annual Election Period) possible!

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Rob Valincius

Rob Valincius

National Director of Agent Training

x7701 | rvalincius@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

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Contact a Pinnacle Financial Service representative today for assistance.


2021 AHIP Tips

2021 AHIP Tips

2021 AHIP Tips

For those of you who are new to the Medicare market, selling Medicare requires you to take yearly carrier-specific certifications as well as AHIP. AHIP stands for America’s Health Insurance Plans and is a yearly training that is required and universally accepted by 99% of Medicare carriers. The training typically goes live in late June, June 22nd this year, and typically runs a $175 price tag. Although some material is recycled every year, there are always rule changes that alter the material that agents need to know. Here are some tips that I’ve learned as I’ve taken this training over the years.

Tip One

Never take AHIP day 1.

There are a few reasons behind this, but the main reason is you save money by doing the test through a carrier portal. There is typically a $50 discount when you do this. From a technology standpoint, there are always bugs and issues on the first day as they are flooded by agents. Also, carriers like Aetna will offer to pay for your AHIP through their front-runner program if you write a certain amount of business but must be taken through their certification’s portal.

Tip Two

Take your time.

AHIP is comprised of a multitude of modules. There are 5 in total. Each module has a test at the end that is 20 questions (up from 10 in previous years). The 6th module is the actual test that is 50 questions. The test must be passed with a 90% or above which only leaves you 5 questions that you can get incorrect. There is a time limit of 2 hours and they allow you to take it up to 3 times before you need to pay and take the curriculum over again. The test throws a bunch of different concepts at you like cost plans and PFFS plans that you may have never heard of before. Make sure you carefully read each question and answer accordingly.

Tip Three

Not all questions are from source materials.

There are questions on the test, which can range from 10-25% depending on the test you get, that you will not be able to find answers to. In this case, you can utilize Google search and rely on fellow agents to find the appropriate answers.

Tip Four

Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Training

Fraud, Waste, Abuse (FWA) is required to be completed after the AHIP test before you get your AHIP certification completed. This was incorporated about 2 years ago and has 3 modules that must be completed. There are no major tests on these, but each module has its own test that must be passed to move along.

Pinnacle Financial Services is here to guide you through any issues that you may have during the “certification season.” We have years of experience in the office that can prove invaluable when you need help in any aspect of your business. We offer the best technology at no cost, dedicated support staff for anything you may need, and a personalized sales team to make ensure you always have sales activity! AEP (Annual Election Period) is right around the corner and we want to be a partner in your success. What are you waiting for?

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Rob Valincius

Rob Valincius

Director of Agent Training

x7701 | rvalincius@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

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Contact a Pinnacle Financial Service representative today for assistance.


2021 United Healthcare Medicare Certification

2021 United Healthcare Medicare Certification

2021 United Healthcare Medicare Certification

It’s hard to believe that we are already at what we like to call “Certification Season”.  AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans) is typically the first of the yearly required Medicare training to launch, which is usually towards the end of June. After that, all of the carriers begin to launch their certifications to coincide with CMS (the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services), and product updates. UnitedHealthcare is typically one of the first of the major carriers to launch with it going live this year on June 29th, 2020.

For the first time in years, UnitedHealthcare is changing up how they do their certifications with the launch of their new Learning Lab. Learning Lab is their new and improved learning management system that incorporates all of your training into a one-stop-shop. They added a bunch of new features like on-demand training, webinar registration, improved course search, and mobile-friendly interfaces.

There are a few quirks to this new platform that may make it a little difficult for returning agents that we wanted to discuss. Here are some tips for new and returning users:

  1. Once you are signed in to UHCjarvis.com, Learning Lab is now under the Knowledge Center tab. This replaces the old “Certifications” link.
  2. Once you are in the UnitedHealthcare 2021 Certifications (English or Spanish available) learning path, there are 2021 Prerequisite courses and 2021 AHIP. There are 2 optional courses for Chronic Special Needs (CSNP) and Dual Special Needs (DSNP) and 2021 Event Basics
  3. UnitedHealthcare is the only carrier that allows you to skip AHIP and just do their certifications to sell their Medicare products. If you do decide to take AHIP and access that through the Learning Lab, you will get a $50 discount on the AHIP standard $175 fee.
  4. It is important to note, once you complete and upload your AHIP, you would start by going through the 2021 AHIP learning tree. Once you are finished, the learning path will show 33% complete. This does not mean you are not ready-to-sell. This percentage includes the 2 optional courses we discussed in #2.
  5. In order to print your certificate of completion, you can do under the “Achievements” tab. In the past, you could print your certificate which shows up as a gold star next to the learning. Now it is a “Download Certificate” link under achievements. If you do not see a download certificate link under 2021 AHIP or 2021 Prerequisites, you are not complete your training.

Here at Pinnacle Financial Services, we are here to help you prepare for the next few certification-heavy months. Our team has a national trainer, me, who can help you understand course material and be prepared as you work. Our team of support staff is here to help you with any technical issues that you may run into. Not to mention, Pinnacle will be producing webinars daily on pertinent topics throughout products in the senior market. If you are looking for a place to start, or maybe even a fresh start, partner with us and have the best 2021 AEP you can have!

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Rob Valincius

Rob Valincius

National Director of Agent Training

x7701 | rvalincius@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

Contact Us

Contact a Pinnacle Financial Service representative today for assistance.


Should You Incorporate?

Should You Incorporate?

Should You Incorporate?

On a daily basis, I typically get asked the question “Should I incorporate?” Well, what does that actually mean? Incorporation is defined as creating a business that is a separate and distinct legal entity. There can be many benefits from incorporation as an insurance agent. Let’s talk about a few of those. 

When you incorporate, the business can actually protect your personal assets. What this means is that the business will be liable and responsible for all debts incurred. As an insurance agent, you can be hit with large commission chargebacks, sued by clients (make sure you carry E&O), and incur large income tax bills at the end of the year. The business would be at risk and could protect you, as the owner, from having to dip into your own funds.

Most agents tend to dread tax season. This is mainly because commissions are not taxed when paid out so you will have to pay those come tax time. Typically incorporating can offer some tax benefits to help reduce federal and state income tax. Not to mention, there are many items that you can use as tax deductions like mileage to and from appointments, licensing fees, and many more.

Incorporating helps create a succession plan with your carriers. It is important, in terms of protecting your business, to have a plan in case of an emergency or even death of the owner. Should you not have an LLC, in some cases, your commissions could potentially all go back to the company. Where does this leave your family or employees if there’s no one that can take over. As an individual, we have seen agents die and their families unable to get the commission income transferred over. This would not happen if you are incorporated.

Pinnacle Financial Services is here to help you through this process. We are a full Service “FMO” that has many tools available to help you and your new endeavors. For starters, we have a national trainer (myself) that can help walk you through how to incorporate should you decide to go that route. We offer top-notch technology to our contracted agents at no cost, like our proprietary Connect4Medicare online enrollment technology. I can say this with confidence in that we offer the best agent support in the business and genuinely care about every agent that writes with us.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Rob Valincius

Rob Valincius

National Director of Agent Training

x7701 | rvalincius@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

Contact Us

Contact a Pinnacle Financial Service representative today for assistance.


Growing your Social Media Presence

Growing your Social Media Presence

Growing your Social Media Presence

Although it has been around for quite some time, social media is still a question mark for many insurance professionals. It is increasingly important to have both an internet presence and a social media presence. At the end of the day, you shouldn’t have to always be chasing leads when you can get inbound marketing to bring in fresh prospects for you as well. Although there are many different avenues to use such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Business, they all tend to follow some of the same patterns. I will discuss a few of those below.

Brand Awareness

It is crucial to establish a brand persona. This can range anywhere from profile pictures and graphics to your overall mission statement. This is important as this is how your clients will see and recognize you. In business, first impressions can sometimes create or turn away a potential client.


Connecting with friends, family, and fellow industry members are important to help get your presence started. Friends and family can typically be some of the first people to get you some referrals which can branch out from there. Industry people like fellow agents and company representatives can grow connections, and help you get possible cross-over business or even co-op dollars for marketing from the company representatives.


So now that you created your brand image and have established connections, now what? Having relevant content to post to your connections can help promote you as the center of influence. At the end of the day, you want the people you are affiliated with to come to you as the expert in your field. Just 1 like or share could equal money in your pocket! I will say to try and stay as neutral as possible while not getting into divisive topics like politics or religion.

Pinnacle Financial Services is a full service “FMO” here to help from even your very first tweet (Twitter)! We offer extensive training on how to build brand awareness. We also offer an online enrollment portal that can double as a client-facing website known as Connect4Medicare. We can teach you how to create Facebook and Google business profiles, like this webinar here, and even give you relevant content to post to your connections. We are here to help you crack the digital marketing conundrum once and for all. Join us at the top! 

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Rob Valincius

Rob Valincius

National Director of Agent Training

x7701 | rvalincius@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881

Contact Us

Contact a Pinnacle Financial Service representative today for assistance.
