Wellcare | Important Updates and Reminders

May 1, 2023

Important Updates and Reminders for WellCare Agents

Welcome to our newly redesigned broker news bulletin, Wellcare Insider.

Wellcare Insider will arrive in your inbox every two weeks – and more frequently when needed – to provide important updates and reminders focused on growing your business and sustaining your success.

Today’s edition has information on the following topics:

  • Medicaid Redetermination – Guiding members through the process
  • Amazon Pharmacy – Informing members of their pharmacy options
  • Text Notifications – Ensuring you are receiving our text alerts

Medicaid Redetermination Resources

As a reminder, Wellcare members set to be disenrolled from their Medicaid plans will need your help to obtain new coverage and maintain continuity of coverage, as the redetermination process has resumed after three years of being paused due to the COVID pandemic. Nearly every state has begun contacting members or will begin soon, to initiate this redetermination process. Up to 15 million individuals are at risk of losing their Medicaid coverage.

What you can do to help

Review our comprehensive Redetermination Resource Page to help you in guiding members through this process. You’ll find timelines, state-specific guidelines, and broker/agent training resources all conveniently organized in one location.

Amazon Pharmacy Reminder

Our members trust us for coverage that goes beyond basic Medicare. Part D coverage, available on many of our MAPD and PDP plans, allows members to get their covered drugs through one of our network pharmacies. When they use a preferred retail pharmacy, beneficiaries can save even more on prescriptions.

In 2023, Amazon joined CVS, Walgreens, and most large grocers in our preferred retail network. A supplemental Pharmacy flyer is being mailed to our members by many of our health plans with insight into this exciting new Pharmacy option. While not every member will receive this flyer, please review the Part D Amazon Member Mailer for assistance in addressing any member questions you may receive.

For more information, refer to the Preferred Pharmacy Network One-Pager and other tools on the AEP Resources Landing Page.

Wellcare Agent Texts

Wellcare utilizes text messaging as one mode of communicating Requests For Information (RFI) and other notifications important to your business. Recently a change to the phone number from which these texts are sent has occurred. Take steps now to ensure that you are able to receive these important communications.

  • Add both of the new phone numbers to your trusted contacts to ensure texts are not marked as SPAM: (314) 926-9826 and (813) 497-4540
  • Check that your cell phone number on file with Wellcare is correct by logging into the Single Sign-On Portal and verifying or updating your profile information
For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881


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