Devoted | Read our BONUS July Agency Newsletter today

July 26, 2023

BONUS July Agency Newsletter

Check out this month’s Devoted Health agency newsletter, with important info, reminders, and upcoming events.

Devoted Health PY2024 Certification is LIVE!

Don’t miss out–it’s time to certify for PY2024! You should have received an email on 6/26 outlining Devoted Health’s registration and certification process for PY2024. Our process is a “one-stop-shop” model and our goal is to keep the experience easy so that agents can complete the process in a few simple steps. If you have any questions, please reach out to agent-support@devoted.com!

This month’s Spotlight: Lynn Holland, Director of Sales Operations Integrity!

Hi – I’m Lynn Holland, Director of the Sales Operations Integrity team here at Devoted.  I joined the company in December and I am so excited to be part of the Sales organization. I have almost 25 years of diverse experience in the Medicare managed care industry, both in the private and public sector. My Medicare career started at CMS, where I spent 17 years at CMS in a variety of roles supporting the Medicare Advantage and Part D regulations. Following CMS, I worked at Aetna/CVS as a Senior Director within Medicare compliance, then an independent consultant, and for the past two years as the Medicare compliance officer at a TPMO before coming to Devoted. I live in New England (Southern Vermont) with my wife, 4 human kiddos, and a few furries too!

Let me also share a little bit about my team.

Who is Devoted’s Sales Ops Integrity Team?

The Sales Ops Integrity team sits within the Devoted Sales Team. While we are not “compliance”, we support compliance functions related to sales and marketing here at Devoted, including sales agency marketing material reviews, agent and marketing complaints & investigations and lots of other oversight activities for Devoted Health’s sales distribution channels.

If you have questions related to CMS sales and marketing guidelines, we can help! Our team is committed to helping you provide a hyper-compliance approach when selling and marketing to Medicare beneficiaries. And we are excited to partner with you so you can be successful in your roles as we dramatically improve the health and well-being of our members – by caring for each and every person like they are literally family.

CMS Review Process for Medicare Card Image and Updated PECL Language

CMS recently announced the process for obtaining approval for Marketing and Communication material with the Medicare ID card image, along with new required language for the Pre-Enrollment Checklist (PECL).

Use of Medicare Logo

TPMOs that plan to use the Medicare card image (logo) on any marketing or communication piece must send the material to CMS for approval. The material must be sent via email to the CMS marketing mailbox at Marketing@cms.hhs.gov with an attached copy of the material that includes the card image. CMS suggests all pieces using the Medicare card include a disclaimer near the image that indicates they are not affiliated or endorsed by CMS, HHS, the Federal Government, etc. Once approved by CMS, the piece and the CMS approval email must be submitted to the HPMS marketing module using the SMID of the marketing piece.

Additional Language Required for the Pre-Enrollment Checklist (PECL)

For PY2024 materials, CMS will require new language regarding the impact the new enrollment will have on existing coverage. While an updated model PECL will be released later this summer, CMS wanted to provide their following approved checkbox language to insert under the “Important Rules” header:

“Effect on Current Coverage. Your current healthcare coverage will end once your new Medicare coverage starts.  For example, if you are in Tricare or a Medicare plan, you will no longer receive benefits from that plan once your new coverage starts.”

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com

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