CMS | Disaster Changes Notice

March 25, 2025


March 20, 2025
All Medicare Advantage Organizations and Prescription Drug Plans

Withdrawal of Memo Announcing Change to Beneficiary Use of the SEP for Individuals Affected by a Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency

This memo announces a withdrawal of the December 3, 2024, HPMS memo entitled “Change to Beneficiary Use of the SEP for Individuals Affected by a Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency.” That memo announced a change to how beneficiaries can make an election using the Special Election Period for Individuals Affected by a Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency (Disaster/Emergency SEP) by requiring that they contact 1-800-MEDICARE to access the disaster/emergency SEP effective April 1, 2025.

We are withdrawing this memo and will provide further guidance on the SEP enrollment process at a later date. With this withdrawal, the proposed change in process will no longer go into effect on April 1, 2025. Plans should continue to accept applications using the Disaster/Emergency SEP and may continue to use enrollment forms and plan materials that include the Disaster/Emergency SEP.

For MARx submissions, the SEP reason code will remain “01.” For OEC crosswalk purposes, the S reason code via OEC will remain “DST.”

Plan questions can be submitted to our mailboxes:

•Enrollment and Eligibility Policy Mailbox:

•MA-PD Help Desk:

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today 1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881


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