June 21, 2023
Clover’s contract with the Jefferson Health System’s hospitals, primary care and specialist providers will terminate as of August 5, 2023. This network change may affect your clients if they have accessed care with the Jefferson Health System.
As always, it is important to Clover that our members’ healthcare is not affected by this change. This includes their ongoing medical care and authorizations for services.
We are sending letters to members identified as having received care from a Jefferson Health System provider or hospital advising them of this network change. In an effort to further put members at ease, we will be making outbound calls to these members that will include helping them find other providers, schedule alternate appointments, and provide any support they might need.
Of course, members may continue to use Jefferson Health System hospitals and providers (if the provider/facility agrees to accept Clover Health members). But please make sure they understand that after the August 5th date, they may have to pay higher costs.
1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 | sales@pfsinsurance.com
Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.
1 (800) 772-6881
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How would I know which clients of mine received the letter so that I can contact them to discuss the situation? Also, what if a Clover member who has not used the Jefferson system decides to do so, will they be subject OON charges? Who’s minding the store?