Anthem | Medicaid Redetermination Information for D-SNP

April 20, 2023

Anthem will help your dual eligible clients navigate the Medicaid Redetermination process.

States are beginning to resume Medicaid renewals to confirm eligibility, a process that was suspended during the Public Health Emergency (PHE). As of April 1, 2023, states are able to disenroll Medicaid beneficiaries that no longer qualify. As a result, some of your D-SNP clients may lose their dual eligible status and need to find a new Medicare Advantage plan.

What your clients can expect.

  • State agencies will notify Medicaid beneficiaries when it is their turn to renew.
  • Anthem will also be notified and will call members to offer assistance during the renewal process.
  • If the member does lose Medicaid coverage, we also have a team that will call and helps them find another Anthem Medicare Advantage plan that fits their needs.
  • Reminder: when a member loses SNP status they will continue to be covered by their current plan for 90 days (up to 6 months in Indiana) while they re-qualify for Medicaid or look for a new Medicare Advantage plan.

How you can help.

There is no need to contact your D-SNP clients during this process; the assistance noted above will occur automatically. However, if you wish to reach out, or if they contact you:

  • Remind clients to update their contact information with the state and Anthem. This will help ensure they receive all communications and updates.
  • Encourage clients to watch for the mail and to follow all directions in the renewal notice. Also let your clients know that our vendor will call them to offer assistance with the renewal process.
  • Reassure your clients that while losing Medicaid eligibility will impact their D-SNP coverage, they will continue to be Medicare-eligible. Anthem has non-SNP Medicare Advantage plans with rich benefits to fit their needs.

Your Agent of Record (AOR) status will not be impacted.

At no time will the help we provide to your clients, during the Medicaid renewal process or to enroll in a new non-SNP Medicare Advantage plan when needed, change your Agent of Record status.

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

1 (800) 772-6881 x7731 |

Contact a Pinnacle Representative if you have any questions.

1 (800) 772-6881


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