Aetna | Guidance for at-home COVID-19 testing | Think Agent training | Ascend to be discontinued | Retention playbook | OEP | SEP for dual-eligibles and more

January 19, 2022

Broker News

Your source for Aetna Medicare broker news and information 

January 18, 2022 

In this issue…

  • Info on over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 tests
  • Sign up for Think Agent training sessions
  • The Ascend Virtual Sales Office app will be discontinued on March 31
  • New member retention playbook can help you succeed in this OEP
  • MAPD members can watch their personal video
  • Open Enrollment Period (OEP) do’s and don’ts
  • Learn about the Special Election Period for dual-eligibles
  • The importance of a phone number on a client’s application
  • Helpful links
  • Secret Agent podcasts are gearing up for 2022

Sales and marketing news

What you need to know about over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 tests

Last week, the Biden administration announced a requirement for commercial health plans to cover the cost of over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 test kits. Please note, this guidance doesn’t apply to Medicare or Medicaid plans. For Medicare members, there is no reimbursement for over-the-counter rapid COVID test kits that they may purchase on their own

If you receive a call from a member asking if their Medicare Advantage plan covers at-home rapid COVID testing, let them know:

  • Medicare Advantage plans cover all COVID-19 tests ordered by a doctor.
  • We will cover one self-ordered at-home test that is processed in a lab.
  • At-home rapid tests that are self-conducted are not covered at this time. (This will not prevent a Medicare member from accessing a “free” at-home rapid test that may be available in the community.)

Think Agent is your new enrollment tool for 2022 — Join us for a live training session

Think Agent is an exciting new tool that lets you enroll clients in an Aetna MA/MAPD or Silverscript PDP using your computer or an app on your cell phone or tablet. You can also access features including:

  • Telephonic enrollment
  • A year-over-year plan change tool that compares plans side-by-side
  • Offline enrollment
  • Health risk assessment option, that lets you earn up to $70 extra per enrollment
  • E-kits and Scope of Appointment
  • MBI, Medicaid, and Extra Help validation

Interested in how to use Think Agent? Sign up for live online training.

The Ascend Virtual Sales Office app will be discontinued on March 31

Please attend an upcoming Think Agent training to learn how to download your existing enrollment and Scope of Appointment information from Ascend before this tool is discontinued on March 31. If you have questions, reach out to your Aetna Medicare Broker Manager.

What you need to know about the Special Election Period (SEP) for dual-eligible and LIS eligible clients

Dual-eligible and other LIS eligible individuals can enroll in, or disenroll from, an MA plan once per calendar quarter through a SEP. Here’s what you need to know about this SEP.

Review OEP do’s and don’ts

During the Medicare Advantage OEP, which runs from Jan. 1 to March 31, beneficiaries who are enrolled in an MA/MAPD plan have a one-time opportunity to change plans. This election period is not available to those with Original Medicare or those enrolled in a standalone Prescription Drug Plan.

Learn more about OEP

Remember, you may not proactively market to beneficiaries during OEP, but you can assist those who contact you with questions.

Member retention news

Your key to success – The member retention playbook

Get tips for retaining your clients this OEP

The Aetna Medicare member retention playbook for agents gives you useful, hands-on actions you can use now and reference later, as you create a self-sustaining business model. You’ll learn tips on:

  • Why building a successful member retention strategy is so important
  • Key topics and discussion points for each month of OEP
  • Why customers leave and how to avoid rapid disenrollment

Download the Aetna Medicare member retention playbook for agents today and check out some easy strategies to help you retain your clients.

Aetna MAPD members can now watch their personalized video

Don’t forget, Aetna MAPD members can view a personalized video to help them understand their 2022 plan and use their benefits.

Encourage members to log in to the member site and watch it at

Be sure to include your client’s phone number on their enrollment form

This is important because we use the applicant’s phone number to:

  • Contact them with questions about their application form.
  • Welcome new members and answer their questions.
  • Initiate certain plan benefits like the post-discharge meal benefit. If the phone number is missing on the application, the meal vendor will not be able to deliver food to the member.

The Secret Agent podcasts

Listen to podcasts created especially  for you

Last fall we launched the Secret Agent podcast series, designed exclusively for Aetna Medicare agents. Each episode features engaging conversation and tips to help make you more successful. You can listen online or by downloading the Fieldcast app. When prompted, enter your company name as “Aetna” and then enter your Producer World username and password to log in. 

Listen to “Selling in the 2020’s” with guest Angie Damin (21 min.) 

The Secret Agent podcasts

Listen to podcasts created especially  for you

Last fall we launched the Secret Agent podcast series, designed exclusively for Aetna Medicare agents. Each episode features engaging conversation and tips to help make you more successful. You can listen online or by downloading the Fieldcast app. When prompted, enter your company name as “Aetna” and then enter your Producer World username and password to log in.

Listen to “Selling in the 2020’s” with guest Angie Damin (21 min.)

For more information, contact a Pinnacle Financial Services representative today

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