Medicare Eligibility

June 25, 2019

Pinnacle Financial Services is one of the largest and best Medicare FMO’s around. One thing we know for sure is that, when it comes to Medicare, things can be complicated.

One of the most common questions we receive is: “Am I eligible for Medicare?” Well, there’s no black and white answer. Your eligibility may depend on several different situations. Luckily, this post will show you how and when to apply for Medicare.

You become eligible for Medicare when you turn 65, (or younger if you have certain disabilities or diseases). If you or your spouse has worked in the U.S for more than 10 years, you will also qualify for Medicare benefits.

Medicare has four parts: Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Parts A and B include doctor and hospital insurance. Together, Parts A and B are referred to as Original Medicare. You can apply for Original Medicare the year you turn 65, but only if you meet one of the below requirements:

You’re eligible to receive Social Security benefits or Railroad Retirement benefits.
You’re already receiving your retirement benefits from Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

If you’re planning to receive retirement benefits before or at the age of 65, apply for Medicare at the same time or at least 3 months before your birthday. That way you’ll become automatically enrolled in Medicare when you turn 65.


If you’re still working when you turn 65, you might be wanting to keep your current health coverage provided by your employer. You can keep your current coverage and still apply for Medicare Part A (most people don’t have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A, so you won’t have to incur a cost). However, you may consider deferring Medicare Part B to avoid the monthly premiums. We recommend checking with your employer to see how your current coverage may work with Medicare Part B before you make any decisions.


If your 65th birthday has come and gone, you still have several options and opportunities to receive your healthcare.

  • If you’re within 3 months of your 65th birthday, you still qualify for enrollment under your intitial enrollment period.
  • Otherwise, you can wait until general enrollment (January 1 – March 3).

Contact Pinnacle Financial Services today, and get the information you need to make an informed choice for you or your clients.

Marcus Guzman

Marcus Guzman

Director of Sales - Health

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